
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Cecília Gonda” ,找到相关结果约12615条。
Experiences about the integrated fruit and grape cultivation target programme in the micro-region of Gy ngy s
Cecília Gonda,Antónia Sz?cs,Andrea Ambrus,Sebestyén Dr Tóth
Agrárinformatika Folyóirat , 2011,
Abstract: The most popular target programme of the agricultural-environmental programme advertised by the New Hungary Rural Development Programme in the period between 2010-2014 was the integrated fruit and grape cultivation target programme in the micro-region of Gy ngy s. In the course of our research we were curious how the farms were prepared for it (professional knowledge, technology etc.) whether they were able to adapt to the rules and at the same time how it could take effect on the financial positions of the farms.
Evolution of the Number of Students in Elementary and Secondary School in Portugal and Population Ageing  [PDF]
Cecília Rosa, Edgar Pereira
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2017.57008
Abstract: In this work, we present an application of a mathematical model structured in classes (see [1]) for the study of the influence of population ageing in the evolution of the number of students in elementary school and in secondary school in Portugal, from 1995/96 to 2014/15 (see [2]). Based on historical data, some scenarios of projection are presented, with the aim of quantifying the young student population and its relation with the structure of the population age for the next school years in Portugal (from 2016/2017 to 2020/2021), in the various study cycles. Furthermore, we make a comparative analysis between the projection results presented here and in references [3] and [4]. The dynamic of the model comprises two stages: the first one represents the flow of students that go from one school year to the next, as well as the flow of students that enter or leave the educational system in a certain cycle of studies. The second stage represents the flow of students that go to the next cycle of studies. The simulations were done using Matlab.
A Study of Flu Epidemics in Portugal  [PDF]
Edgar Pereira, Cecília Rosa
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2019.710015
Abstract: We study the flu seasonal epidemics in Portugal in the last 20 years. Based on the analysis of historic data gathered from the official weekly reports we present some scenarios for the next 20 years.
Flu Epidemics Force versus Virus Type in USA  [PDF]
Edgar Pereira, Cecília Rosa
Open Journal of Epidemiology (OJEpi) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojepi.2020.102014
Abstract: We estimate the influenza force according to the virus type in the USA (United States of America) for the season 2010/11 to 2019/20. For these we use the data available from CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) related to Public Health Laboratory Virologic Age Surveillance and The Burden Estimates presented by CDC yearly.
Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: juventude e religi?o
Mariz, Cecília Loreto;
Tempo Social , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-20702005000200011
Abstract: data collected on the catholic charismatic renovation (ccr) has shown how important youths are in the creation, maintenance and growth of the so-called "communities of life in spirit". the majority of these communities were either founded for or by young people. among those studied, "toca de assis" is the one that stands out because of the age of its members, and because it also chooses a more radical life style in the search for spiritual enlightenment. based on these data and on the discussion of the concept of youth in modernity, this paper aims to treat the radicalism of juvenile experiences in different domains of life, especially with regard to religion and politics, in order to understand the tense and ambiguous role taken on by youngsters in different religious movements.
Preda??o de sementes de leguminosas por bruquídeos (Insecta: Coleoptera) na Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil
Lom?naco, Cecília;
Acta Botanica Brasilica , 1994, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33061994000200001
Abstract: seed damage in bauhinia pulchella benth. (caesalpiniaceae), mimosa acutistipula benth var. nigra hub., mimosa somnians h.b. ex willd. (mimosaceae) and phaseolus linearis h.b.k. (fabaceae), was studied to investigate defense against predators. the preference for larger seeds of bauhinia pulchella by bruchids is a selection pressure for the plant to product smaller seeds, as a survival mechanism to scape predation. the impredictability of the number of viable seeds per pod in mimosa somnians could represent a defense mechanism because it does not permit the optimization of the number of eggs laid in each fruit. the flattened seeds of mimosa acutistipula limit the attack sucess of predator beetles. the high resistance of the pod skin and the hard compact seeds in phaseolus linearis may be considered mechanical defenses. there is a con-elation between seed size and predator size in the species studied.
Saberes docentes: diferentes tipologias e classifica??es de um campo de pesquisa
Educa??o & Sociedade , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-73302001000100005
Abstract: the purpose of this article is to discuss some typologies and classifications about research on teaching, teachers and teacher knowledge. three major synthesis of research are analyzed. they propose a categorization of studies conducted in these areas on these subjects and bring to light as well the variety diversity of research traditions, of the currents of search as the theoretical and methodological contexts in which the studies were produced. in conclusion, limits and possibilities of this research literature are discussed.
Colabora??o docente e reforma dos programas escolares no Quebec
Borges, Cecília;
Educa??o em Revista , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-46982006000200012
Abstract: abstract this paper discusses collaboration within the context of current educational reforms and policies. it is based on data collected from a research relating to the collaborative practices at a group of teachers, within the framework of the implementation of a new curriculum in secondary education in québec. it aims to highlight the practices, the motivations, and factors that contribute to collaboration, as well as the challenges teachers met in their daily work. it suggests that, even if the teachers seem to be in favour of collaboration, it does not integrate easily into their practises, in the current context of a greater regulation of the work. finally, this paper indicates some tensions and questions that constitute promising ways of reflexion on collaboration work.
Beyond ?helping? or ?not caring about? them: Teaching women in developing countries at an american university
Santos,Cecília MacDowell;
Ex aequo , 2008,
Abstract: this essay is a reflection on the challenges for internationalizing the women?s studies curriculum in the united states. it draws on my experience teaching ?women in developing countries? at the university of san francisco, a jesuit university with the stated mission of promoting social justice from a global perspective. one of the major challenges facing this type of course is the risk of reinforcing ethnocentrism and essentialism by reproducing what chandra mohanty calls the ?third world difference?. building on mohanty?s call for a?noncolonizing feminist solidarity across borders? and using peter waterman?s typology of forms of solidarity, the essay discusses students? approaches to ?women in developing countries? and the forms of solidarity assumed or implicitly promoted by the theories on women/gender and development/globalization covered in the course.
Miss?o religiosa e migra??o: "novas comunidades" e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior
Mariz,Cecília L.;
Análise Social , 2009,
Abstract: from the time of its colonization brazil was known only as a target for catholic missionaries, mainly of european origin, and later of protestant missionaries, mainly from the united states. but this picture has been changing: in recent times, brazilian missionaries have gone abroad to spread their gospel in other countries. this article examines this new missionary flow and its relationship to the paths of brazilian emigrants looking for jobs abroad. based on data collected in brazil, particularly among catholic groups in the so-called "new communities", and pentecostal documents, the article puts forward a number of hypotheses on the meaning of the religious motivations for geographical displacement in the modern global context.

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